Red Flag Test

What’s Your Red Flag?

Let’s be honest. We all have red flag in relationships. They’re things you notice that just make you think to yourself, “Why do they do that?” Eyes rolling? Texting back right away? Calling or texting to say “Good night”? It could be any one of these — or even more — and you might not even realize it.

This is a fun quiz to figure out what red flag in relationships you are. There are lots of people who fall in the red flags and never notice it until they get too deep into the relationship. Take this quiz today to figure out what your red flag is in relationships!

What is your Red Flag Test?

When you think of red flag, you probably think of the obvious ones. You know—the guy who’s married, the person who’s not looking for anything serious, or the one who has a criminal record. But what about those red flags that are just plain bad for you?

Can I use the Red Flag Test to evaluate others?

Yes, you can use the What’s Your Red Flag Test to evaluate others. You can use this same process to evaluate people who are close to you: your friends, partner or family members.

List of Red Flags in this quiz

Lack of Trust

Trust is defined as the confidence that someone will do the right thing when you need them to. It’s something you have to earn, and it can be damaged by many things, such as lies or betrayal. There are many ways that lack of trust can manifest itself in a relationship. One of the most common is when one partner does not feel like the other is being honest or open with them. This can be because they suspect their partner is hiding something from them, or because their partner has lied to them about something, or because they have simply failed to communicate with them in an appropriate way. In a relationship without trust, the partners never feel safe or comfortable opening up to each other. Instead, they are constantly guarding their thoughts and emotions. Without openness in their interactions—the crucial component of any emotionally healthy relationship—the partners don’t have the chance to connect empathically with one another, which is necessary for elements like love, intimacy, and mutual support to grow over time. A relationship is only as strong as the bonds of trust that connect its members together. If trust does not exist, every single relationship will begin to crumble apart.

Constant Jealousy

When they are always accusing you of cheating or thinking you’re going to cheat, it means they don’t believe in your ability to be faithful. It means they don’t trust you enough to know that you wouldn’t cheat on them. This is a problem because if the two of you are in a relationship, it’s important for both of you to have trust with one another. The more trust there is between two people, the stronger their bond becomes. And if one person doesn’t trust the other person enough and constantly accuses them of cheating, this can cause serious issues in their relationship. Constant jealousy can be a problem in any relationship and lead to more problems, leaving both partners feeling uncomfortable. Each person needs to consider the other’s feelings, and coming up with a solution for handling jealousy together is essential to dealing with it effectively.

Overly Controlling Behavior

Control, as a concept, is generally considered to be negative because it implies that one person has power over another. Yet control can be positive when it is used to foster healthy interactions between people with different needs, wants and expectations. For example, if you have a partner who likes to plan out every detail of your day and you like to wing it, then having some sort of structure might actually help you feel more secure. However, if your partner is trying to impose their will on you or manipulate you into doing what they want without regard for what YOU want or need, then this could be an indicator of overly controlling behavior. Overly controlling behavior can come in many forms. The most common example is when one partner wants to make all of the decisions for the other person. This often happens when one partner feels threatened by the other’s independence or when they feel like they don’t have control over their lives. It’s also common for people who are controlling to try and change how their partners look or act so that they fit in with the rest of society better.


Codependency is a term used to describe the unhealthy habits that develop in relationships where one partner relies on the other for emotional support, validation, and other needs. In a codependent relationship, both partners are not getting their own needs met—instead, they are focused on meeting the other person’s needs. Codependency can be seen in any kind of relationship: between friends or family members, or romantic partners. It is one of the most common signs of an emotionally abusive relationship. Codependency often happens when someone gives up their own identity to be closer to a partner who may be emotionally unavailable or abusive in some way. Codependents often feel like they need to do everything for their partner and make them happy in order to keep them around.Codependency can also occur in long-term relationships where one partner has an addiction problem. In this case, the non-addicted partner may feel responsible for helping their loved one get sober or stay sober—but they end up enabling their loved one’s addiction instead of helping them overcome it through healthy means.


Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can happen in any relationship. It’s when one person tries to convince another person that they’re wrong, confused, or even crazy. The victim of gaslighting might start to believe that they are the problem and not the abuser. People who are being gaslighted may feel like they are going crazy and start to question their own sanity. They may wonder if there is something wrong with them or if they are imagining things that aren’t true. Gaslighting can be especially dangerous when it happens during arguments between couples because it can make the victim feel like they are at fault for their partner’s anger. It’s important to remember that you never deserve to be treated this way by anyone, whether it is a friend, family member or romantic partner. If someone tries to manipulate you or make you feel crazy, then it is time for you to reach out for help from a therapist or counselor so that you can start making changes in your life.

Dwelling on Past Relationships

The reason of dwelling on past relationships is the fact that it’s human nature to have a tendency to dwell on things that have already happened. When we dwell on these things, it can cause us to feel sad, upset and depressed. It also can cause us to feel angry and bitter towards other people or ourselves. We usually dwell on past relationships because there are some unresolved issues between the couple and ourselves. But we also dwell on past relationships because we don’t want our future relationships to end up like our last one did. It can be tough to look back on your past relationships and realize that you might be better off alone. After all, it’s natural to want to find someone who loves you as much as your exes did. But sometimes, when you look back on your past relationships (even if they were terrible), it feels like there’s something missing from your current relationship. And you wonder if maybe you’re just not meant to be with anyone for the rest of your life. If your past relationship was bad because of something specific, like cheating or abuse, then it’s time to work through those issues before moving on with someone new. And if there’s something about yourself that makes it difficult for people to love you, then it may be time for some self-reflection and improvement before looking for love again. Don’t rush into another relationship too soon — take some time off from dating so that when someone does come along, you can be sure it's the right person for you.

Feeling Low Self-esteem

Sometimes, you just need to remind yourself that you’re not alone in feeling like your partner doesn’t really love you. This can be really hard to do when you have low self-esteem and feel like your partner is always putting you down or making fun of you. It’s easy to think that if they don’t love you, then no one else will either. But that’s not true! There are plenty of people who would love to be in a relationship with someone who makes them feel good about themselves and who treats them well. Just because your current partner doesn’t treat you well doesn’t mean there aren’t other people out there who would treat you better.

Physical, emotional, or mental abuse

Abuse is any behavior that causes physical, sexual or emotional harm to you. It can happen in a variety of ways and can be repeated over time. In order to determine whether you're experiencing abuse, it's important to understand that it's NEVER your fault. If someone else is causing you harm, then they are responsible for their actions—not you. Don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself that "it’s not that bad" and minimize the other person’s behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, including you. Realizing this can help you stop the emotional abuse cycle.The signs of emotional abuse are numerous. Remember that your connection with your partner, parent, coworker, or friend is still emotionally abusive even if they only engage in a small number of these behaviors rather than all of them. Also keep in mind that emotional abuse is frequently imperceptible while you think about your relationship. As a result, it may be very challenging to spot the warning indications. Think about how your interactions make you feel if you are having problems determining whether your relationship is abusive.There is a good probability that your relationship is emotionally abusive if you consistently feel hurt, annoyed, confused, misunderstood, depressed, nervous, or worthless whenever you interact with the other person.

Anger Management Issues

Anybody who has ever been in a relationship can attest to how difficult they can be. Every relationship consists of flawed individuals, who frequently have varying expectations. You will eventually experience disappointment if you constantly anticipate the best from life. It’s very common for relationships between partners to experience conflicts. And while many couples are aware that they won’t always agree with one another, many are unaware of the dangers that rage poses to their relationship. Understanding what anger is necessary. In its simplest form, rage is the feeling that people get when they are upset. Anger isn’t necessarily a terrible emotion. But the method that people frequently vent their rage is detrimental.

Lack of Emotional Intelligence

A person’s capacity to comprehend and control their emotions in order to accomplish particular goals is known as emotional intelligence (EI). Because they lack social skills or have trouble empathizing with others, those with low EI may find it challenging to establish relationships.Consider a person in your life who has trouble making friends. Perhaps you are the one? To thrive, be content, and live long, healthy lives, we all need meaningful relationships. Strong and enduring relationships are built by the sharing of ideas, demonstrating understanding, compassion, and support for the people we care about. However, when we are lacking in basic EQ abilities, we often find it extremely challenging to make friends, especially important and long-lasting ones, and as a result, we often spend our lives alone. However, we can change this tendency by spending more time getting to know others and less time talking and more time listening. A person is more willing to divulge more information about their lives if they feel listened. As a result, there is the chance for a meaningful exchange and the development of relationship trust.

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