Sexuality Test / Sexual Orientation Test

Sexuality isn’t as rigid as we may be taught to believe. Sexuality is incredibly complicated, which is why this test focuses on placing you on a spectrum to make things easier. It still may not be 100% accurate, but it’s better than trying to be placed into single categories. Give it a go!

With this test, you can find out where you lie on the spectrum of heterosexual, homosexual, allosexual, and asexual. If you’re confused, or otherwise just curious - why not try it out?

Reviewed by Rebecca Perdomo, Ph.D.

What does the terms in our result chart mean?

A Brief Overview of Sexual Orientation and Attraction Terms
HomosexualHomosexual means the person is sexually/romantically attracted to the same gender.
HeterosexualHeterosexual means the person is sexually/romantically attracted to the opposite gender.
AllosexualAllosexual means the person enjoys sex and feels sexual attraction.
AsexualAsexual means the person is not interested in sex and doesn’t feel sexual attraction.

Are online sexual orientation tests accurate?

No sexual orientation test online is 100% reliable and accurate in all situations. However, we have talked to many users from our gay and lesbian-related tests and we’re sure that our results have some reference value.

Sexuality orientation isn’t just for fun or for being cool/different to your classmates or on social media. It’s a very serious topic, and understanding it is a step in the right direction in making the world a more welcoming place.

Result Reference Table for the Sexuality Orientation Test

Note: If you haven’t finished the test yet, please read the following instructions after taking the test.

The quadrant your result is located in explains your current sexual orientation. The details are below:

Upper-Right Corner: You are like the majority of the population. You are attracted to the opposite sex, and experience sexual attraction. The further upwards you are located, the closer you are to experiencing the standard "sexual attraction" that most others do.
Upper-Left Corner: You are attracted to those of the same sex as yourself, and experience sexual attraction. The further upwards you are located, the closer you are to experiencing the standard "sexual attraction" that most others do.
Lower-Left Corner: You are attracted to those of the same sex as yourself, but not quite in the way an allosexual does. The further downwards you are located, the less you experience sexual attraction, and may be even repulsed by the idea. A purely romantic relationship far more appealing than a sexual one.
Lower-Right Corner: You are attracted to those of the opposite sex as youself, but not quite in the way an allosexual does. The further downwards you are located, the less you experience sexual attraction, and may be even repulsed by the idea. A purely romantic relationship far more appealing than a sexual one to you.
Middle-Left Side: You are attracted to those of the same sex as yourself. However, the appeal of sex and the extent to which you experience sexual attraction isn’t quite as similar to an allosexual. Your thoughts lean more towards the neutral side of things, feeling neither excited nor repulsed by the idea.
Middle-Right Side: You are attracted to those of the opposite sex to yourself. However, the appeal of sex and the extent to which you experience sexual attraction isn’t quite as similar to an allosexual. Your thoughts lean more towards the neutral side of things, feeling neither excited nor repulsed by the idea.
Middle-Upper Side: You feel sexual attraction, but have no preference as to the gender of your partner. If you wished to find a better label for your orientation, pansexual or bisexual would be the most accurate. The closer to the center, the less sexual attraction you feel.
Middle-Lower Side: You feel little sexual attraction, and lean more towards purely romantic or platonic relationships than anything else. Gender does not matter to you, with the label most likely to appeal to you being panromantic or biromantic.
Middle: You have no strong feelings for or against sex, and could exist in a relationship with or without sex. You also have no preference for gender. You may just be not interested in relationships altogether, or perhaps are merely more flexible than most.
LifestyleLGBTQ+Sexual OrientationSexuality
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