Kokomi Trivia Quiz

Kokomi is the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, and also serves as its supreme leader. She is well-versed in the art of war, is good at strategizing, and has keen insights into military affairs. She is also adept at handling domestic affairs, diplomacy, and other matters. Kokomi handles almost all of the affairs on the island herself. While she is not content with such a burden, having preferred to be a military advisor, she nonetheless takes the mantle to give her people the hope and happiness they deserve. Like Jean, Kokomi easily burns herself out completing her tasks and tries to keep it hidden from others to avoid worrying them.

Are you a true Kokomi fan? How much do you actually know about Kokomi? Prove your knowledge by taking this quiz now to see how much you know about Kokomi’s character profile, lore, material, constellation, combat, hobby, food, and voice line. There are 24 questions in total. Come and try this quiz to see your result now!

Dimensions explanation

Character Profile

Do you know a lot about Kokomi’s character profile? This quiz will test your knowledge of Kokomi’s personal profile information in Genshin Impact!


Do you think you really know Kokomi’s background story? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of Kokomi’s story!

Material and Constellation

Do you think you remember all the materials and constellations for Kokomi? Do you think you know how to ascend Kokomi or level up Kokomi’s talent level? Take this quiz and show us how well you know about Kokomi!


Are you really a Kokomi main? Do you really know what Kokomi’s skill and talent will do? Take this quiz to understand how much you actually know about Kokomi’s combat kit.

Hobby and Food

Do you know what is Kokomi’s hobby and favorite food? Take this quiz to see if you truly know Kokomi well!

Voice Line

From casting your skill to exploring the world, how much do you actually remember Kokomi’s voice line? Take this quiz now to see if you are a true Kokomi fan and truly know his own voice line!

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