Overwatch is a highly-stylized, team-based multiplayer shooter set on a near-future Earth. Every match is an intense showdown, pitting a diverse cast of heroes, mercenaries, scientists, adventurers, and oddities against each other in an epic, globe-spanning conflict.
Mech Pilot—D.VA; Guardian Robot—ORISA; Scientist—WINSTON; Mechanic—WRECKING BALL; Astrophysicist—SIGMA, etc. Have you ever wondered which hero you would be in the Overwatch universe and what your background story would be? Take this quiz to find out!
D.VA10011【Occupation】Pro Gamer (formerly), Mech Pilot【Base of Operations】Busan, South KoreaAbilities: Fusion Cannons; Light Gun; Boosters; Defense Matrix; Micro Missiles; Self-destruct; Call Mech“I play to win.” D.Va is a former professional gamer who now uses her skills to pilot a state-of-the-art mech in defense of her homeland. Seeing her new mission as a game, D.Va fearlessly charges into battle alongside the rest of her MEKA unit, ready to spring to her nation's defense at a moment's notice.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/01.png
Orisa00110【Occupation】Guardian Robot【Base of Operations】NumbaniAbilities: Fusion Driver; Fortify; Halt!; Protective Barrier; Supercharger“Your safety is my primary concern.” Built from parts of one of Numbani's short-lived OR15 defense robots, Orisa is the city's newest protector, though she still has much to learn.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/02.png
Reinhardt11010【Occupation】Adventurer【Base of Operations】Stuttgart, GermanyAbilities: Rocket Hammer; Barrier Field; Charge; Fire Strike; Earthshatter“Justice will be done.” Reinhardt Wilhelm styles himself as a champion of a bygone age who lives by the knightly codes of valor, justice, and courage. Though Overwatch was eventually disbanded, Reinhardt has vowed to fight for justice across Europe, defending the innocent.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/03.png
Roadhog00000【Occupation】Enforcer (formerly), Bodyguard【Base of Operations】Junkertown, Australia (formerly)Abilities: Scrap Gun; Take A Breather; Chain Hook; Whole Hog“I'm a one-man apocalypse.” Because of the loss of his home, Roadhog turned to violent rebellion. Little by little, his humanity was forgotten. He is a ruthless killer with a well-earned reputation for cruelty and wanton destruction.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/04.png
Winston01101【Occupation】Scientist, Adventurer【Base of Operations】Horizon Lunar Colony (formerly)Abilities: Tesla Cannon; Jump Pack; Barrier Projector; Primal Rage“Imagination is the essence of discovery.” A super-intelligent, genetically engineered gorilla, Winston is a brilliant scientist and a champion for humanity's potential. With the fall of Overwatch, Winston has gone into seclusion, once again cut off from the world he believes in but longing for the days of heroism to return.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/05.png
Zarya11110【Occupation】Soldier【Base of Operations】Krasnoyarsk Front, RussiaAbilities: Particle Cannon; Particle Barrier; Projected Barrier; Graviton Surge“Together, we are strong.” Aleksandra Zaryanova is one of the world's strongest women, a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to protect her family, friends, and country in a time of war.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/06.png
Wrecking Ball10001【Occupation】Mech Pilot, Mechanic【Base of Operations】Horizon Lunar Colony (formerly), Junkertown (formerly)Abilities: Quad Cannons; Roll; Grappling Claw; Adaptive Shield; Piledriver; Minefield“Do not anger the hamster.” Wrecking Ball, also known as Hammond, is a resourceful tinkerer with remarkable mechanic skills. Now free to travel and do as he pleases, Hammond is exploring the world and finding new adventures along the way.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/07.png
Sigma01010【Occupation】Astrophysicist【Base of Operations】The Hague, Netherlands (formerly)Abilities: Hyperspheres; Experimental Barrier; Kinetic Grasp; Accretion; Gravitic Flux“There is no obligation for the universe to make sense to you.” Sigma is an eccentric astrophysicist who hopes to unlock the universe's secrets, unaware he’s been turned into a living weapon.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/08.png
Ashe11000【Occupation】Thief, Gang Leader【Base of Operations】Deadlock Gorge, Arizona, USAAbilities: The Viper; Dynamite; Coach Gun; B.o.b.“My business, my rules.” Ashe is the ambitious and calculating leader of the Deadlock Gang and a respected figure in the criminal underworld. Her principles: keep your word, don’t work with the law, respect each other’s territory, and always punish betrayal.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/09.png
Bastion00100【Occupation】Battle Automaton【Base of Operations】UnknownAbilities: Configuration: Recon; Configuration: Sentry; Reconfigure; Self-repair; Configuration: TankCreated for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot units possessed the unique ability to reconfigure themselves into an assault-cannon mode rapidly. Though "Bastion" appears to be gentle—even harmless, at times— Because it conflicts with a few human beings, it goes to the uncharted regions of the world.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/10.png
Doomfist00010【Occupation】Mercenary【Base of Operations】Oyo, NigeriaAbilities: Hand Cannon; Seismic Slam; Rising Uppercut; Rocket Punch; Meteor Strike“Only Through Conflict Do We Evolve.” Akande Ogundimu, who was born into a well-regarded Nigerian family, trained in traditional African fighting styles. Ogundimu competed in tournaments all over the continent, utilizing his intuition and ability to read opponents alongside his tremendous speed and strength.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/11.png
Genji10101【Occupation】Adventurer【Base of Operations】Shambali Monastery, NepalAbilities: Shuriken; Deflect; Swift Strike; Dragonblade“Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor.” As the youngest son of the master of the Shimada ninja clan, Genji lived a life of luxury and privilege. He had a cyborg body, but his human soul was intact, and he came to see his new form as a gift and a unique strength.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/12.png
Hanzo00001【Occupation】Mercenary, Assassin【Base of Operations】Hanamura, Japan (formerly)Abilities: Storm Bow; Sonic Arrow; Storm Arrows; Lunge; Dragon Strike“With every death comes honor. With honor, redemption.” Hanzo is a mercenary archer on the path of redemption to restore his honor and atone for the atrocity he once committed as the heir of a syndicate.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/13.png
Junkrat10000【Occupation】Anarchist, Thief, Demolitionist, Mercenary, Scavenger【Base of Operations】Junkertown, Australia (formerly)Abilities: Frag Launcher; Concussion Mine; Steel Trap; Total Mayhem; Rip-tire“It's a perfect day for some mayhem.” Junkrat is an explosives-obsessed freak who lives to cause chaos and destruction. Now, with Roadhog in tow, Junkrat has left the Outback and embarked upon an international crime spree leaving nothing but havoc and bedlam in his wake.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/14.png
Mccree10110【Occupation】Bounty Hunter【Base of Operations】Santa Fe, New Mexico, USAAbilities: Peacekeeper; Combat Roll; Flashbang; Deadeye“Justice ain't gonna dispense itself.” Armed with his Peacekeeper revolver, the outlaw Jesse McCree doles out justice on his own terms. He resurfaced several years later as a gunslinger for hire; he fights only for causes he believes are.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/15.png
Mei11100【Occupation】Climatologist, Adventurer【Base of Operations】Xi’an, China (formerly)Abilities: Endothermic Blaster; -freeze; Ice Wall; Blizzard“Our world is worth fighting for.” Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment into her own hands. She is the only survivor of a disaster. And now, Mei has decided to continue her work on her own.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/16.png
Pharah01111【Occupation】Security Chief【Base of Operations】Giza, EgyptAbilities: Rocket Launcher; Jump Jet; Concussive Blast; Barrage“I will protect the innocent.” As a child, Fareeha dreamed of following in her mother's footsteps and joining the global peacekeeping force, Overwatch. She comes from a long line of highly decorated soldiers and burns with the desire to serve with honor.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/17.png
Reaper01001【Occupation】Mercenary【Base of Operations】UnknownAbilities: Hellfire Shotguns; Wraith Form; Shadow Step; Death Blossom“Death walks among you.” The Reaper is an extremely volatile mercenary, a ruthless and remorseless killer responsible for terrorist attacks worldwide. He has fought in many armed conflicts in the last decades, showing no loyalty to any cause or organization.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/18.png
Soldier: 7600011【Occupation】Vigilante【Base of Operations】UnknownAbilities: Heavy Pulse Rifle; Helix Rockets; Sprint; Biotic Field; Tactical Visor“We're all soldiers now.” While his true identity remains a mystery, Soldier: 76 is believed to have been trained as a member of the American "soldier enhancement program." Unrelenting in his search to find those responsible for Overwatch's fall, he will stop at nothing to bring them to justice.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/19.png
Sombra11001【Occupation】Hacker【Base of Operations】Dorado, MexicoAbilities: Machine Pistol; Hack; Stealth; Translocator; Emp“Everything can be hacked… And everyone.” One of the world's most notorious hackers, Sombra, uses the information to manipulate those in power. Now, with Talon's extensive resources to call upon, Sombra can focus on her true goal: to unravel the conspiracy and use the power behind it to her own ends.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/20.png
Symmetra01110【Occupation】Architech【Base of Operations】Utopaea, IndiaAbilities: Photon Projector; Sentry Turret; Teleporter; Photon Barrier“The true enemy of humanity is disorder.” Symmetra is a light-bending architect who weaves her construction in order and perfection to create a better world. She believes her actions serve the greater good in society.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/21.png
Torbjörn01100【Occupation】Weapons Designer【Base of Operations】Gothenburg, SwedenAbilities: Rivet Gun; Forge Hammer; Deploy Turret; Overload; Molten Core“Build 'em up, break 'em down.” Torbjörn is an engineer specializing in weapon design and is determined to keep his inventions from falling into the wrong hands. But in the aftermath of Overwatch's fall, many of Torbjörn's weapons were stolen or stashed away around the world.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/22.png
Tracer10010【Occupation】Adventurer【Base of Operations】London, EnglandAbilities: Pulse Pistols; Blink; Recall; Pulse Bomb“Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!” Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer") was the youngest person ever inducted into Overwatch's experimental flight program. Known for her fearless piloting skills, she was handpicked to test a teleporting fighter prototype, the Slipstream.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/23.png
Widowmaker01011【Occupation】Assassin【Base of Operations】Annecy, FranceAbilities: Widow’s Kiss; Grappling Hook; Venom Mine; Infra-sight“One shot, one kill.” Widowmaker is the perfect assassin: a patient, ruthlessly efficient killer who shows neither emotion nor remorse. Now, she is Talon's most effective assassin, feeling little save the satisfaction of a job well done.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/24.png
Echo01000【Occupation】Multirole Adaptive Robot【Base of Operations】Switzerland (formerly)Abilities: Tri-shot; Sticky Bombs; Flight; Focusing Beam; Glide; Duplicate“It’s good to be back.” Echo was a multirole, adaptive robot that could be programmed to learn different functions: anything from medical support to construction: but had serious limits to its independent decision making. Echo was used successfully on test missions alongside Overwatch strike teams, but Overwatch leadership was reluctant to put it into full service.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/25.png
Ana11111【Occupation】Bounty Hunter【Base of Operations】Cairo, EgyptAbilities: Biotic Rifle; Sleep Dart; Biotic Grenade; Nano Boost“Everyone must find their cause.” Ana is one of the founding members of Overwatch; she has superior marksmanship and decision-making. Despite her serious injuries and losing her right eye, she still uses her skills and expertise to defend her home and the people she cares for.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/26.png
Brigitte10111【Occupation】Mechanical Engineer, Adventurer【Base of Operations】Gothenburg, Sweden (formerly)Abilities: Rocket Flail; Repair Pack; Whip Shot; Barrier Shield; Shield Bash; Rally“I will prove myself!” Brigitte is a skilled metalsmith and mechanic who accompanies Reinhardt as he wanders across Europe. She is the youngest daughter of Torbjörn and his wife, Ingrid.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/27.png
Lúcio10100【Occupation】DJ, Freedom Fighter【Base of Operations】Rio de Janeiro, BrazilAbilities: Sonic Amplifier; Crossfade; Amp It Up; Sound Barrier“Come on, let’s bring it together!” Lúcio is an international celebrity who grew up in a poor and crowded favela. As Brazil began the long process of recovery, he wanted to find a way to lift the spirits of those around him. Now he inspires social change through his music and actions.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/28.png
Mercy00101【Occupation】Field Medic, First Responder【Base of Operations】Zürich, SwitzerlandAbilities: Caduceus Staff; Caduceus Blaster; Guardian Angel; Resurrect; Angelic Descent; Valkyrie“Heroes never die.” Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that radically improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Dr. Angela Ziegler is a peerless healer, a brilliant scientist, and a staunch advocate for peace.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/29.png
Moira11011【Occupation】Geneticist【Base of Operations】Dublin, Ireland; Oasis, IraqAbilities: Biotic Grasp; Biotic Orb; Fade; Coalescence“Science will reveal the truth.” Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O'Deorain, is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life. Though O'Deorain will go to any lengths to make scientific breakthroughs, her work is still unknown to most people.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/30.png
Zenyatta00111【Occupation】Wandering Guru, Adventurer【Base of Operations】Shambali Monastery, Nepal (formerly)Abilities: Orb Of Destruction; Orb Of Harmony; Orb Of Discord; Transcendence“True self is without form.” Zenyatta is an omnic monk who wanders the world in search of spiritual enlightenment. But, when necessary, he will fight to protect the innocent, be they omnic or human.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/31.png
Baptiste11101【Occupation】Combat Medic【Base of Operations】Tortuga, Haiti (formerly)Abilities: Biotic Launcher; Regenerative Burst; Immortality Field; Amplification Matrix; Exo Boots“No dying on my watch.” Baptiste is an orphan and elite combat medic. After his service was complete, Baptiste joined the Talon mercenary group, one of the many organizations poised to profit from the chaos in the war's aftermath. And now he uses his skills to help those whose lives have been impacted by war.//www.arealme.com/which-overwatch-character-are-you/show/32.png