Tokyo Ghoul is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Sui Ishida. The story follows Ken Kaneki, a college student who barely survives a deadly encounter with his date who reveals herself as a ghoul. After recovering, Kaneki discovers that he underwent a surgery that transformed him into a half-ghoul.
Tokyo Ghoul has received international acclamation and captivated audiences with the daily struggles of Kaneki fitting into the ghoul society, as well as keeping his identity hidden from others. Do you like the story of Tokyo Ghoul? Take this quiz to find out which character you are the closest to!
Ken Kaneki0111Eyepatch; Centipede; Black Reaper【Birthday】December 20 Sagittarius【Occupation】Peacekeeper; Ghoul's King (Formerly)"I'm not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I'm just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But... if, for argument's sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... a tragedy."Ken Kaneki was a shy and caring college student who lived a relatively normal life. However, he was transformed into a one-eyed ghoul after Rize Kamishiro's kakuhou was transplanted into him. Your character is similar to him - You value family and friends and would not spare no effort to protect them from any harm.//
Touka Kirishima0011Rabbit; Manager【Birthday】July 1 Cancer【Occupation】Manager / Waitress (Formerly)"What the hell do you know?! It's all because I can't eat, because I could be a target at any time, all because I'm a ghoul! No matter how much I try, there's a wall I can never jump over, and there's happiness that I can never have. But I'm still hanging on to life. Despite it all."Touka Kirishima was a ghoul who wore a rabbit mask while hunting. She was inherently kind and considerate but looked dangerous and cold. Your personality is similar to that of Touka Kirishima - You do whatever you want, enjoy the moment, and don't care too much about what others think of you.//
Shuu Tsukiyama1111Gourmet; MM【Birthday】March 3 Pisces【Occupation】Peacekeeper; College Student (Formerly)"Live beautifully with your head up high, just like that rose on your chest."Shuu Tsukiyama was the infamous Gourmet ghoul of the 20th ward from the extremely wealthy and influential Tsukiyama family. Your character is similar to him - Being just like a superman, you are independent and strong to the outside world but extremely caring towards your inner circle of friends.//
Hinami Fueguchi0001Daughter Ghoul; Number 745; Yotsume【Birthday】May 21 Gemini【Occupation】Noun"Tomorrow is another day on this rocky path we walk, never knowing stability. But I believe. I believe that the sun shines after a downpour."Hinami Fueguchi is a lovely and kind ghoul whose parents were killed by investigators. She later joined Kaneki's group of ghouls. Your personality is similar to that of Hinami Fueguchi - You have a kind and sincere heart. You are keen on taking care of family and friends.//
Hideyoshi Nagachika1101Hide; Scarecrow【Birthday】June 10 Gemini【Occupation】Peacekeeper; Investigator Assistant (Formerly)"I screwed up... just a little bit out there..."Hideyoshi Nagachika is a normal human and Ken Kaneki's best friend. He is cheerful, positive and values friends at all times. Your character is similar to him - You are blunt, kind and sincere, always take life seriously and never talk about others behind their backs.//
Nishio Nishiki1000Serpent【Birthday】February 4 Aquarius【Occupation】Researcher; College Student (Formerly)"The normal days which seemed natural will crumble in an instant. The end... always comes in the blink of an eye."Nishiki Nishio is a ghoul and a second-year student who was heavily wounded in a fight with Ken Kaneki. He still eventually became a waiter at Anteiku and an ally to Kaneki. There are similarities between you two; You have the gift of adapting to new environments and are good at finding solutions in all sorts of difficult situations.//
Renji Yomo0110Raven【Birthday】July 9 Cancer【Occupation】Manager / Waiter (Formerly)"My hope... Hope? That's right, in this fading world, my only desire is to connect. For the seeds I plant to grow into flowers and for those bloomed flowers to drop seeds. For people to say that the coffee I pour for them is delicious. And through those two, my own flesh and blood, for me to see my sister once again. For me to be able to believe the things I did in this life were not meaningless... That is what hope is."Due to his feeding habits and his avian-shaped mask, Renji Yomo has earned the nickname Raven. Quiet and reserved, he was originally a hot-blooded ghoul. There are similarities between you two; You are a great psychologist and have an innate ability to read other people's intentions and feelings.//
Uta0010No Face【Birthday】December 2 Sagittarius【Occupation】Mask Designer"If you're lucky, you may see some cannibalism, and that's always fun."Uta, known as ''No Face'', is a ghoul who owns the HySy ArtMask Studio, where he sells masks, while also being a Clowns' member. Your character is similar to him - You don't like being told what to do and instead prefer an independent life where you are your own boss.//
Kuki Urie1110Quinx【Birthday】February 12 Aquarius【Occupation】Peacekeeper; Ghoul Investigator (Formerly)"That's right. Back then, what I really resented was my own powerless self. My tiny little self. And my tiny little heart. Too small to hold all that emotion, so it had to shift the blame onto someone else. But now, I'm grown. I've come for you. I'll hold it all."Kuki Urie is an Associate Special Class Ghoul Investigator; he often displays himself as a cool-headed individual with a poker-face. You share personality traits with him. You are strong-willed and always determined at getting the job done, no matter the cost.//
Juuzou Suzuya1010Dragon General; The Next Arima【Birthday】June 8 Gemini【Occupation】Peacekeeper; Ghoul Investigator (Formerly)"You shouldn't turn your back on the enemy."Juuzou Suzuya is a Special Class Ghoul Investigator. After Big Madam's treatment, he is no longer able to feel fear, pain or any moral restrictions. There are similarities between you two; Being humorous and strong, you have your own view on life and don't like being managed by others.//
Ayato Kirishima1011Black Rabbit【Birthday】July 4 Cancer【Occupation】Peacekeeper"The world is power. Everything is decided by the superiority or inferiority of one's power. Get that through your thick head, dumbass. You are weak. That's why you are going to lose. Just like father."Ayato Kirishima is known as the Black Rabbit. As Touka Kirishima's younger brother, he is outgoing, arrogant and shares a hot-blooded attitude with his sister. You have the same personality traits as him. Both of you always work hard towards your goals and manage to maintain a positive attitude towards life.//
Kishou Arima0100One-Eyed King; Jack; White Reaper【Birthday】December 20 Sagittarius【Occupation】Ghoul Investigator"I... I've... always... hated it. I hated myself, who only ever stole from others... I feel like I was finally... able to leave something behind..."Kishou Arima was regarded as a genius. As a Special Class Ghoul Investigator, he is famously known as the CCG's Reaper. Your character is similar to him - Attentive and quick-witted, you are good at balancing stress and motivation and always stand out from the crowd.//