One day, at the prestigious Kunugigaoka Junior High School in Class 3E, where the students with bad grades and poor behavior are gathered, a person from the Ministry of Defense and a mysterious creature with a strange appearance suddenly arrive. With the ability to fly at speeds of Mach 20, this strange creature is responsible for the destruction of 70% of the moon and the reason for its constant crescent shape. He declares that he will “destroy the Earth by March next year if they don't kill him” and that he wishes to become the homeroom teacher of Kunugigaoka Junior High School Class 3E...
“Assassination Classroom” is a Japanese manga serialised in Weekly Shonen Jump by Japanese author Yusei Matsui. It depicts the friendship between classmates and the teacher they are trying to kill. By answering this quiz, you can find out which character you best match with!
Korosensei111Birthday: UnknownStatus: Class 3E TeacherKorosensei, after blowing up 70% of the moon, now claims he will will destroy the Earth in March of the following year. In compensation for knowledge and humor, he becomes Class 3E's homeroom teacher. You bring oppotunity to those around you, and are a great source of inspiration.//
Nagisa Shiota001Birthday: July 20th, CancerStatus: Student→TeacherWith a kind personality and a skinny frame, Shiota is assigned to class 3E due to his bad grades, and seven years later becomes a teacher just like the one he killed. You are strong and kind, and always take care of others wholeheartedly. You are willing to take risks for the sake of your friends, but by trusting people too much, there are times when you get hurt yourself.//
Kaede Kayano100Birthday: January 9th, CapricornStatus: Student→ActorWhile being sweet and innocent, Kaede also has a sharp skill in observation and a hidden talent for assassination. In the field of art, she holds a unique understanding, and is full of creativity and imagination. At the same time, she is also talented in observing people and things around her, and will not miss any changes no matter how small. This makes her good at communication and listening.//
Karma Akabane110Birthday: December 25th, CapricornStatus: Student→PoliticianAkabane is a mischievous child with an arrogant personality, who exceeds in every subject. He was assigned to class E after being scolded for injuring an upperclassman who was bullying his classmate. On the surface level, he is considered funny and a “smooth-talking guy” amongst his friends, but in reality has a brain that can correctly distinguish between right and wrong and obtain the best solutions to problems.//
Tadaomi Karasuma011Birthday: August 15th, LeoStatus: Ministry of Defense Official, PE teacherKarasuma is a comissioned officer in the Special Services Department of the Ministry of Defense, responsible for spying and killing teachers, as well as providing emotional and technical support for the students. You can deal with situations in a calm manner, and can analyse information from a wise perspective. You always take the initiative whether it's work or studies, and are good at watching over those you care about in secret, without showing any emotions.//
Irina Jelavic101Birthday: October 10th, LibraStatus: English TeacherIrina Jelavic is currently the English teacher for class E, who teaches English conversational skills to her students. With the help of Karasuma, she has earned respect as a popular teacher and assassin. You have intense likes and dislikes, and a possessive nature. Outsiders see you as a “superhero”, but at heart you just want to be pampered.//
Yuma Isogai010Birthday: November 13th, ScorpioStatus: Student→SalarymanIsogai is the number one of class E, and a very handsome boy. He is a considerate person, with outstanding grades, and brings the class together as a whole through his kindness. Just like him, you know how to balance work, school, and family. Once you've set yourself a goal, you remain grounded and will always come out with results.//
Rinka Hayami000Birthday: July 12th, CancerStatus: Student→Architectural Firm ManagerA girl with eyes like a phoenix, she holds the top level skills in shooting amongst all her female classmates, and is especially talented at sniping dynamic targets. She has an arrogant face, but tends to be charming when dealing with kittens. She doesn't like showing weakness or making excuses and can be hard on herself, but is someone who can demonstrate strength in solitude.//