Created by Hiromu Arakawa, โFullmetal Alchemistโ is a Japanese manga, brought to TV from 2003 to 2009, with a live action movie remake that came out in 2017. It follows the story of the Elric brothers, who suffer greatly when an attempt to bring back their deceased mother with forbidden alchemy backfires. The older brother, Edward, loses his left leg, while the younger, Alphonse, loses his whole body. In order to recover Alphonse's body, the two set out on a journey...
In a world of relentless conflict where alchemy exists... out of alchemists, leuitenents, mechanics, and androids, what kind of identity would you hold? And what kind of story would you produce? Take the quiz to discover which character would match best with your own!
Edward Elric0011The Fullmetal AlchemistBirthday: August 1st, Star Sign: LeoConsumed with grief after the death of his mother, Edward Elric - alongside his younger brother - attempted to ressurect the dead by way of human transmutation - a forbidden alchemy. In doing so, he lost his brother's body as well as his own left leg. In order to restore their own bodies, the two set out on a journey searching for the โPhilosopher's Stoneโ.You are logical, honest, sensible, and very open with others. You are good at creating and acting on your goals and plans, and have a good command of everything in an organised manner. You have a charm that inspires others, and the great potential to become a leader.//
Alphonse Elric0111AlchemistAge: 14โ15With his older brother, Alphonse used forbidden alchemy to see his dead mother again, and subsequently lost his physical body. Afterwards, his brother sacrifised his own arm to contain his soul in a suit of armor. Since then, they have both embarked on a journey to find a way to recover his body.You are a composed, understanding, and analytical person, with deep thoughts and a passion for studying. You solve problems in a rational manner, and are skilled at controlling your own emotions.//
Winry Rockbell1111Automail MechanicBirthday: December 9th, Star Sign: SagittariusChildhood friend of both of the Elric brothers, Winry Rockbell was overwhelmed by sadness when she lost her parents at a young age during the civil war. She has an obsession with machines, and is a kind and strong person.You have a friendly, easy-going, generous personality. You have no problem devoting yourself to listening to the feelings of others, and aim to live your life in comfortable harmony, without showing off or taking credit for great deeds.//
Roy Mustang1101State AlchemistAge: 29 - 30The nation's greatest alchemist, Roy Mustang, was ordered by the army to take countless lives during a civil war more than ten years ago. His conscience suffered as a result, and - in order to bring an end to the war - he climbed up the ranks in the military to become president.With a skillful personality and a sense of justice and courage, you love a challenge and are a natural leader. You do not fit into any conventional roles, but with a passion for the persuit of knowledge and theory, you have a profound insight into the world.//
Riza Hawkeye1011HawkeyeJob: Military First LieutenantHaving eight times the visual acuity of a normal person, Riza is a famous sniper who excels in the use of firearms. Her father was a famous alchemist.You are kind, optimistic, and simple. With a wide heart and a dislike of arguing, you worrry about those around you falling into difficult situations, and often make others feel better about themselves.//
Alex Louis Armstrong1001Strong ArmJob: Central HeadquartersAlex Louis Armstrong is a state alchemist with a kind heart, who loves to flaunt his muscle as often as he can. He participated in the extermination of Ishval as a soldier, but refuses to hurt vulnerable children and the innocent. He fights for his country, but does not wish to become a killing machine.Bright and energetic, you have a flexible mind and adaptive way of thinking. With such high capability, you can achieve anything. Your high sense of adventure in your life means you are always willing to seek experimental and new experiences.//
Solf J Kimblee0001The Crimson AlchemistFaith: One's Own WillWith an elegant aura and a love of white suits, Kimblee believes everyone is a participant in society's game, and looks forward to which side the world will choose. He is a bomb enthusiast with a unique set of values.You are a loyal and trustworthy person. Whether its work or study, you do your best with your feet firmly planted on the ground. You believe that โthere is no such thing as difficulty in this world - that only those with the will to survive can liveโ, and that the persistent will succeed long before anyone else.//
Lin Yao010112th Prince of The Great Nation of XingAge: 15Ambitious, with eyes set on the throne, Lin Yao treasures his followers, and lives strictly by his creed of โthere is no king without its peopleโ. Raised amongst rivals who plotted against him, he is a prodigy with outstanding insight and ability to adapt at will.You have excellent insight and analytical abilities. To achieve the goals in your head, you will not hesitate to use everything you have to put up a relentless fight.//