Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, translated as A Certain Scientific Railgun, is a Japanese manga series that follows the story of Mikoto Misaka, an electromaster who is the third strongest esper in Academy City, along with her friends: Kuroko Shirai, a teleporter and Mikoto's roommate and Kazari Uiharu, Kuroko's partner in Judgment.
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun has fans from all around the world. If you were part of the world of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, what kind of background and special abilities would you have? Take the quiz and find out!
Misaka Mikoto1111【Power Level】5【Esper Power】RailgunMisaka Mikoto is also known as the Tokiwadai's Ace, Strongest Electromaster and has been nicknamed Railgun due to her signature move. She has chestnut hair and eyes, is often seen wearing a small hair clip.Your personality is similar to that of Misaka Mikoto - You are like a high-charged warrior, full of enthusiasm for life and ideals. You have a powerful desire to aid all those who are in need.//
Shirai Kuroko0111【Power Level】4【Esper Power】TeleportShirai Kuroko is a student of Tokiwadai Middle School, as well as a member of Judgment. Although usually laid-back and friendly, Kuroko is honest, kind to everyone; but confident in her own abilities when she encounters enemies.You have the same personality as Shirai Kuroko - You can be an indispensable helper for everyone at work. Your communication skills are also stellar and people find it easy to talk to you.//
Kazari Uiharu1001【Power Level】1【Esper Power】Thermal HandUiharu Kazari is a Tokiwadai Middle School student and a member of the student composed law enforcement organization. She is shy and kind. Although she doesn't have a strong fighting ability, she still has a strong sense of justice.Your personality is similar to that of Kazari Uiharu - You are open-minded and always ready to assist those that need help. You are also very charismatic and talkative.//
Saten Ruiko0011【Power Level】0【Esper Power】Aero HandSaten Ruiko is a Level 0 Academy City student who has a cheerful, outgoing and friendly personality. She knows the latest trends and fashions and can be described as a normal-acting preteen in the series compared to her peers.You have the same personality as Saten Ruiko - You have a thing for fashion and as such people usually notice it when you enter a room.//
Kamijou Touma1000"【Power Level】"0" (Technically)"【Esper Power】Imagine Breaker"Kamijou Touma is a Level 0 Academy City first-year high school student; he possesses the mysterious "Imagine Breaker" in his right hand, negating all forms of magic, esper powers, and other divine abilities."Your personality is similar to that of Kamijou Touma - You are very fair and have a strong sense of justice. As such, people find it very comfortable to be in your presence and follow your lead.//
Kongou Mitsuko0110【Power Level】4【Esper Power】Aero HandKongou Mitsuko is a Level 4 Esper. She moved into Tokiwadai Middle School in the middle of summer. Her pride often results in her getting involved in unfortunate situations, which overshadows her strong abilities.You have the same personality as Kongou Mitsuko - Both of you are determined and loyal to your job. You never stand down without a fight.//
Awatsuki Maaya0001【Power Level】3【Esper Power】Float DialAwatsuki Maaya is a Level 3 Academy City esper who sports dark-bluish hair and eyes. She has a kind and considerate personality and is also seen to be respectful of others.Your personality is similar to that of Awatsuki Maaya - You are very accommodating and welcoming to people. People tend to feel inspired and encouraged by your presence.//
Wannai Kinuho1011【Power Level】3【Esper Power】Hydro HandWannai Kinuho is an Academy City esper with Level 3 Hydro Hand who has short wavy light-brown hair, also blue eyes. As a Tokiwadai Middle School student, she also is part of the swimming team of the school.You have the same personality as Wannai Kinuho - You are creative and open to new ideas. You constantly thrive to explore new things and as such people find you very engaging.//
Kinuhata Saiai0100【Power Level】4【Esper Power】Offense ArmorKinuhata Saiai is a Level 4 esper who is mysterious, considerate, and capable. She is an operative of ITEM, an organization in the Dark Side of Academy City led by Mugino Shizuri, and is also a capable combatant in the team.Your personality is similar to that of Kinuhata Saiai - You are peaceful and considerate, with a very straightforward personality. On the inside, you are very kind and generous to others.//
Mugino Shizuri0000【Power Level】5【Esper Power】MeltdownerMugino Shizuri is the 4th-ranked Level 5 and is the leader of ITEM who has a mature appearance. She values her teammates' utility and would not hesitate to dismiss them when they get in the way.You have the same personality as Mugino Shizuri - You are ambitious and stop at nothing to explore all avenues and accomplish the impossible. People find you inspirational.//
Konori Mii1110【Power Level】3【Esper Power】ClairvoyanceKonori Mii is a Level 3 esper and a high school student of Academy City, and the Chief of the 177th Branch of Judgment where Uiharu Kazari and Shirai Kuroko work. As their senpai and chief, she tries to make sure that they were working seriously and also wants them to be safe.Your personality is similar to that of Konori Mii - You have a unique outlook on life and never back away from a challenge. You inspire others with your courage and determination.//
Accelerator1100【Power Level】Upper level 5【Esper Power】Accelerator"Accelerator is the 1st-ranked Level 5 and the strongest esper currently residing in Academy City with a cool personality. Much of his past is unknown, but he mentioned that he once had a "normal name" that is yet to be revealed and will most likely never will, as he forgot it."You have the same personality as Accelerator - You always approach challenges with a rational mind and approach things like you would solve a puzzle. You are usually selected as a leader in a group.//