“Battle Royale” is a novel by Hiroharu Takami, produced and distributed by Toei, directed by Kinji Fukasaku, and released as a movie in the year 2000. The sequel “Battle Royale 2: Requiem” was released in Japan in 2003, and afterwards was developed into a web game. Set in an economic recession with a 15% unemployment rate, children who have lost the will to live commit acts of violence against their teachers and refuse to attend school, so a new law is introduced...
The BR Act, named the “Millennium Educational Reform Act” aims to clear away resentment towards juvenile misconduct and teach students to learn to survive adversity. As a result, a group of third graders at middle school are sent by their teacher to a desolate island to play a “game of kill each other”. The rules of the survival game “BR Act”, is the way of the underdog... Which “Battle Royale” character do you think you'll match best with? Take the quiz to find out!
Shogo Kawada01011【Winner】Weapon: Military KnifeFormer victor of the Battle Royale game, Shogo Kawada was forced by the government to participate in the games once more, despite holding doubts. In the previous game, “Battle Royale”, he accidentally killed his girlfriend, and was overcome by a great deal of guilt. In this Battle Royale, he demonstrates skills in boat driving, cooking, and medicine.Your personality, just like Kawada's, is your confidence in yourself. You are very decisive and even if you hit rock bottom, can turn failure and any obstacles into a foothold for certain success. By extracting this potential, you have the talent to turn any failure into success.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/1.png
Shuya Nanahara11101【2nd/3rd】Weapon: S&W M19 IMI Micro UziShuya Nanahara comes from a divorced family. When he was in junior high school, his father committed suicide due to the stress of his work and, since then, he has been living in an orphanage. He is popular and handsome, a lover of music, and likes Noriko Nakagawa. In the final stage of the game, he succeeded in breaking the collar system with the help of Shogo Kawada, and escapes together with his friend Noriko. However, he is wanted by the military for his violation of the survival game rules.You have a similar feeling to Nanahara, being both very polite, and also concerned about your own reputation. You are extremely cautious, kind to others, and always keep your promises, which allows you to continue moving forward even in complicated situations. If you wish, you can live using this character's talents in business or even the workplace.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/2.png
Hiroki Sugimura10111【10th】Weapon: Colt GovernmentThe handsome Hiroki Sugimura likes Kayoko Kotohiki, but is secretly in love with his classmate Takako Chigusa. When he is forced to take part in the Battle Royale game, he survives by relying on his knowledge and the GPS tracking system. Before he dies, he meets Takako Chigusa, who in an extreme panic, kills him by accident.The way you value your inner thoughts and ideas over your external environment is what you have most in common with Sugimura. When it comes to love, you seek the ideal romantic relationiship, who you know well over desire or power. You wish your partner would be an easy-going teacher or friend who you can love and support.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/3.png
Kazuo Kiriyama01001【4th】Weapon: Walther PP AAI M10Kazuo Kiriyama is an emotionless and cruel transfer student who keeps quiet. He volunteered himself to participate in the Battle Royale game. With his given weapon, a fan with “Osaka” written on it, he killed and stole trophies. After he lost his eyesight in an explosion, his throat was shot by Kawada and he died.Your personality is most similar to Kiriyama. “Love and ambition are the two wings of great deeds” fits with your personality perfectly. You never sit back and wait for opportunities, but use your courage to create the chances for yourself, and follow your dreams. Just like a warrior with a strong fighting spirit, regardless of whether you are recognised by society or others, your approach to fighting to the bitter end without altering your original intentions is the best.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/4.png
Noriko Nakagawa00111【2nd/3rd】Weapon: S&W M36With a simple and kind personality, Noriko Nakagawa is Mr. Kitano's favourite student, and the only one in the class who respects him. At the end, Kitano shoots Noriko with a water pistol, forcing her to return fire in order to give her the means to defend herself. Whether in the manga or novel, she kills Kazuo Kiriyama, but in the movie, she doesn't kill anyone. Thanks to Kawada, she deactivates the collar system and escapes the island alongside her friend Shuya Nanahara. She is wanted by the military for breaking the rules of the survival game, but afterwards, travels to a third world country to help establish “Wild 7”, an anti-BR law group with which Shuya Nanahara declares war on adults.Due to the strong sense of responsibility that you were born with, you are kind, sincere, and an unsung hero. Your devoted existence gives others a loving sense of security. To your family, friends, and those you love, your presence gives them the feeling of finding warm refuge from the cold society.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/5.png
Kayako Kotohiki00101【9th】Weapon: S&W M59Kayako is a simple girl with a kind heart, but has developed a deep sense of fear after participating in the Battle Royale game. She has a secret close relationship with her classmate Hiroki Sugimura. When Hiroki uses the GPS to locate her, she believes that he is here to hurt her, and accidentally kills him.You are most similar to Kayako, in being such a loyal and loving person. When it comes to your friends and family, you are always the best listener. You do a good job of resolving complaints, softening the heart, and mediating disputes and conflict.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/6.png
Mitsuko Souma11001【8th】Weapon: S&W M19 Colt GovernmentMitsuko Souma is the leader of a group of delinquents in her class, and was abandoned by her father when she was very young. Her mother, who spent her days drinking, sold her to a paedophile middle-aged man when she was just five years old. In order to save her life, Mitsuko pushed him down the stairs. Inside the game, she was the most murderous girl, and used various tricks like pretending to cry in order to lure people close to her to kill them. She said at one point that “I won't just sit around and wait to be killed”. After a fight with Kazuo Kiriyama, she was killed.To you, challenges are enjoyable, and your enthusiasm spreads through people easily. Even if you fail, you are not discouraged, and can easily restart and rebuild.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/7.png
Takako Chigusa11011【22nd】Weapon: CrossbowAs a tough member of the sports club, Takako Chigusa has a strong character, with strong conviction and a cold and beautiful appearance. As Sugimura's childhood friend, she loves him. During the Battle Royale, Chigusa expresses a strong attitude when her classmate Shikaku Araida tries to have sex with her and she refuses, due to her love for Hiroki Sugimura. After Chigusa pushes him, he fires his crossbow and cuts her face. In anger, she kills him with a folding knife. While taking a break due to her wounds, Mitsuko Soma takes the chance to attack her, and she dies from the wound she receives. Just before she passes away, she finds out that Hiroki Sugimura has someone he likes, but tells him thank you with a smile anyway, and dies in his arms.You are most similar to Takako. Without being swayed by stereotypes, you prefer the experience of living by the creed “the more you see, the more you know”. You have outstanding social skill and a flexible way of thinking, which enables you to give good impressions to any new people you meet.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/8.png
Takuma Aoi10001【Winner】Weapon: Type 03 BR Rifle USSR AK47In a fatherless home, Takuma Aoi was raised by his mother, and suffers from mania. At school he is in the top class for rugby players, and is desired by Shoko. Takuma was ordered to kill Nanahara Shuya, but hesitated over the choice. When he saw soldiers mercilessly killing children, he chooses to “revolt” with Shuya's team, and gives him support. In the end, Takuma succeeds in escaping, and goes to Afghanistan.You are similar to Takuma. You seem like a good person to other people, but with your cocky attitude, sometimes they think you can be “unforgiving”. In reality, you're loving and forgive immediately, being the type that thinks you shouldn't use your energy for resentment.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/9.png
Shiori Kitano00001【7th】Weapon: Type 03 BR RifleShiori Kitano is the daughter of the teacher Mr. Kitano from the first part of Battle Royale 1, but doesn't have a good relationship with her father. She has several phone calls, but during those her cold attitude towards her mother becomes clear. Unlike the general students who were made to participate in the fight against Nanahara Shuya, Shiori Kitano joined of her own volition for the purpose of revenge. In the closed classroom, when given the option to “stop fighting”, she chose to fight first and foremost. In the end, Shiori died due to a serious bullet wound, and confessed that in her life she had never once called Kitano “dad”.Your strong independence, inability to express your feelings, and reluctance to rely on others makes you most similar to Shiori Kitano. When it comes to unknown difficulties, your first reaction is not to “run away”, but to face the problem yourself bravely.//www.arealme.com/which-battle-royale-character-are-you/show/10.png