Sex and the City is an American romantic comedy television series created by Darren Starr and based on Candace Bushnell's 1997 book of the same name. The series premiered in the United States on 6 June 1998 and ended on 22 February 2004, with 94 episodes broadcast over six seasons. It spawned two feature films, Sex and the City (2008) and Sex and the City 2 (2010), as well as a prequel TV series, The Carrie Diaries (2013-14).
Sex and the City explores how changes in women’s roles in society, both in the workplace and behind closed doors, affect their relationships with men. We created this quiz based on the personalities of the characters in Sex and the City. You can take this quiz to find out which character you are closest to!
Carrie Bradshaw101【Occupation】Writer at VOGUE Magazine, Published Author, Former Newspaper Columnist"So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes.""Carrie Bradshaw is a club/bar/restaurant staple known for her unique fashion sense who writes a weekly column called "Sex and the City" for the fictional newspaper, The New York Star. She lives in a studio apartment in an Upper East Side brownstone and searches for true love. You are much like her - You have a great understanding of human nature and an extraordinary creative mind."//
Samantha Jones110【Occupation】Public relations"I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want as long as I can breathe and kneel."Samantha Jones is an independent publicist and a seductress who avoids emotional involvement at all costs while satisfying every possible carnal desire imaginable. You are much like her - Compared to your peers, you are more rational and mature. You are never afraid of consequences and tend to make rational decisions.//
Charlotte York001【Occupation】Art dealer"I've been dating since I was 15. I'm exhausted! Where is he?""Charlotte York is an art dealer from a traditional blue-blooded family in Connecticut. She is the most conservative and traditional of the group, believes in many romantic ideas and is always looking for her "knight in shining armor". Much like her, you live in the moment and are not in the habit of running away from difficulties or postponing decisions or actions. As a result, you look radiant and energetic."//
Miranda Hobbes010【Occupation】Career-minded lawyer"He Was Looking Into My Eyes, I Was Looking For The Remote."Miranda Hobbes is a career-minded lawyer with extremely cynical views on relationships and men. A 1990 Harvard Law School J.D. from the Philadelphia area, she is Carrie Bradshaw's confidante and voice of reason. You are much like her - As long as you think it's a worthy goal, you'll never give up. People look up to you for leadership.//
Mr. Big (John James Preston)000【Occupation】Financier, Business Mogul, Entrepreneur"I believe in lust at first sight.""Mr. Big (John James Preston) is a very attractive, wealthy and mysterious man who accidentally meets Carrie on the streets of Manhattan. The nickname "Big" refers to his status as a "major tycoon, major dreamboat, and majorly out of [Carrie's] league,". Much like him, you are a firm, focused person and not at all concerned by opinions of others. When making decisions, you are not impulsive, instead, you consider them carefully."//
Steve Brady100【Occupation】Bartender"Miranda, it's still me."Steve Brady is a bartending, then owning his own bar. He is a honest, kind and hard-working person. He shows a high sense of responsibility both in dealing with his career and love. Your character is similar to him - You are emotionally mature, are rarely aggressive and have a focus on yourself. Therefore, your excellent attitude is reflected in the work you do.//
Stanford Blatch111【Occupation】Talent agent"How can you not have a shrink? This is Manhattan. Even the shrinks have shrinks.""Stanford Blatch, often referred to as the show's "Fifth Lady," is Carrie Bradshaw's best friend outside of the three women. A gay talent agent from an aristocratic family with a sense of style paralleled only by Carrie's. Similar to him, you are friendly and well-mannered, have a pleasant disposition and a strong aesthetic sense. Not only that, you have an innate talent - you know how to charm people around you."//
Smith Jerrod011【Occupation】Actor, model"I forgot to tell you something on the phone: I love you."Smith Jerrod (Jason Lewis) is a young waitress who dreams of becoming an actor. As Samantha Jones used her PR connections, he had a model job and turned into a movie role. During Jones's fight with breast cancer, he gave her unconditional support. You share personality traits with him. You are powerful and attractive. You inspire others through your resolve and determination.//
It's Valentine's Day and you've planned your date in advance. But now your best friend calls to tell you that he was stood up by her date. What do you do?
Cancel the date and stay with your friend
Meet your valentine and console your friend later
Do you consider yourself to be an open-minded person?
Which job do you prefer the most?
Are you good at talking to strangers?
Which interior design style do you like the most?
Does your work or study make you feel happy and fulfilled?
Who is the worst thing a colleague/classmate can do to you?
Give you a dirty nickname
Take your stuff without permission
Breach your personal space
Touch your body (shoulders, hands, etc.)
Do you often feel under the weather?
When faced with the unknown, you feel:
If you were to interview a billionaire tycoon, which question would you ask first?
How did you become successful?
What is your biggest secret?
How would you distribute your wealth?
How do you think in business?
If you met an elementary school teacher who had been very nice to you, would you say hello?
Which of the upcoming exhibitions in your city interests you the most?