Left Brain Right Brain Test

The idea of delineation of tasks between the left and right brain is not just an idea people have thrown around – it’s backed up by scientific proof. American neuropsychologist Roger Sperry won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his work in split-brain research. Want to know which side of your brain, left or right, is more dominant and by how much? Take this left brain right brain test to get the most accurate results.

One of the questions on this test requires audio, please have your speakers on or have your earphones ready.

Tips for Left-Brained and Right Brained

Note: Please take the test and get your results before reading on. If you have a balanced profile, you may benefit from reading both sets of tips.

Left-Brained People

left brained people

Strengths and Weaknesses

💪 Pros:

  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Detail-oriented and thorough
  • Ability to make data-driven decisions
  • Good at planning and organizing

😞 Cons:

  • May struggle with emotional intelligence
  • Tendency to overanalyze situations
  • May be perceived as cold or unapproachable
  • Resistance to change and new ideas

💼 Tips for Career Paths

Left-brained individuals may excel in careers that require logical thinking and strong analytical skills, such as:

  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Finance
  • Law
  • Research
  • Data Analysis

💓 Tips for Romantic Relationships:

  • Look for a partner who can balance their logical nature with emotional warmth and empathy.
  • Practice open communication and active listening to build emotional intimacy.
  • Be mindful of their partner's emotional needs and make an effort to be more empathetic and understanding.

👥 Tips for Community Roles:

  • Participate in community initiatives that require planning, organization, or problem-solving skills, such as local government, neighborhood associations, or volunteer organizations.
  • Share their expertise through workshops, seminars, or tutoring programs.
  • Engage in community projects that allow them to use their analytical skills to make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

🤝 Tips for General Friendships:

  • Seek out friends who share similar interests in activities that stimulate their analytical mind, like strategy games, book clubs, or intellectual discussions.
  • Be open to friendships with people who have different perspectives and can offer alternative viewpoints.
  • Practice active listening and empathy to deepen their friendships.

👨‍👩‍👦 Tips for Family Relationships:

  • Offer support and guidance in areas where they excel, such as helping with homework or household projects.
  • Work on developing emotional intelligence and actively listen to family members' feelings and emotions.
  • Participate in family activities that encourage bonding and connection.

🤔 Decision-Making Style and Tips for Improvement:

Left-brained individuals typically rely on logic and data to make decisions. To improve their decision-making style, they can:

  • Seek input from others to gain different perspectives.
  • Practice empathy to better understand the emotions and motivations of others.
  • Recognize the value of intuition and consider it alongside logic and data.

🎬 Famous Fiction People with the Same Traits:

  • Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle’ detective)
  • Dr. Gregory House (House M.D.)
  • Spock (Star Trek)

Right-Brained People

Strengths and Weaknesses

💪 Pros:

  • Innovative and imaginative
  • Strong ability to think outside the box
  • Flexible and adaptable
  • Emotional intelligence and empathy

😞 Cons:

  • May struggle with organization and planning
  • Tendency to get lost in daydreaming or ideas
  • Difficulty making data-driven decisions
  • May be perceived as unreliable or flighty

💼 Tips for Career Paths

Right-brained individuals may thrive in careers that allow them to express their creativity and spontaneity, such as:

  • Art and Design
  • Writing
  • Music
  • Theater and Performing Arts
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Entrepreneurship

💓 Tips for Romantic Relationships:

  • Seek a partner who values and appreciates their creative and spontaneous nature.
  • Prioritize open communication and emotional connection.
  • Work on developing planning and organizational skills to create a stable and supportive partnership.

👥 Tips for Community Roles:

  • Get involved in community arts initiatives, such as local theater groups, art exhibitions, or music performances.
  • Offer their creative skills to help design promotional materials, event planning, or beautification projects.
  • Participate in community events that celebrate diversity and creativity.

🤝 Tips for General Friendships:

  • Seek out friends who share their passion for creativity and spontaneity.
  • Be open to friendships with people who have different perspectives and can offer stability and organization.
  • Practice active listening and empathy to deepen their friendships.

👨‍👩‍👦 Tips for Family Relationships:

  • Share their creative passions with family members and encourage them to explore their own interests.
  • Work on developing organizational and planning skills to contribute to a stable family environment.
  • Participate in family activities that foster creativity and emotional connection.

🤔 Decision-Making Style and Tips for Improvement:

Righ-brained individuals often rely on intuition and emotions to make decisions. To improve their decision-making style, they can:

  • Consider the long-term consequences of their decisions.
  • Seek input from others to gain different perspectives.
  • Recognize the value of data and logic and incorporate them into their decision-making process.

🎬 Famous Fiction People with the Same Traits:

  • Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series)
  • Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
  • Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

Can you give more background to this Left Brain Right Brain Test?

In November 2015, I had a conversation with a friend about the left and right sides of the brain. Although she did not fully agree with the theory’s reliability, we thought it would be fun to create an online quiz to let people see if they are more left-brained or right-brained. We decided that the quiz would not give a true or false answer, but rather show a tendency towards one side or the other, like a spectrum map. It took us four months to design the questions and create the resources (vector images, well compressed audio files that saves your bandwidth, etc.) needed for the quiz, and we launched it in February 2016. Within a few weeks, a large number of people from Facebook had taken the quiz, and many were happy with their results, sharing them on their Facebook pages. Although the quiz is only for entertainment purposes, I believe it can give people some insight into their personality and decision-making process or preferences. I am proud and happy to have created it.

Why some people don’t believe in Left and Right brain theory?

Some people do not believe in the left and right brain theory because it has been largely debunked by scientific research. While it is true that different regions of the brain are specialized for certain functions, such as language processing being primarily located in the left hemisphere, the idea that people have a dominant left or right brain hemisphere that determines their personality or abilities is not supported by evidence. In fact, studies have shown that both hemispheres of the brain are active in most tasks, and that the brain is highly interconnected, with information flowing back and forth between the hemispheres. Therefore, the idea that someone is either left-brained or right-brained is considered to be a myth by many scientists and researchers.

What are the benefits of taking this brain test?

Although scientific evidence shows that the brain functions as a unified whole, the Left/Right concept can still provide insight into our thinking style. The left brain is linked to logical, analytical, and rational thinking, while the right brain is associated with creativity, art, and spontaneity. By taking the brain test, you can gain a better understanding of your thinking style and preferences.

How do our brain work?

The brain is an incredibly complex organ that works to control and coordinate all of our bodily functions and behaviors. It is made up of billions of neurons, or nerve cells, that communicate with each other using electrical and chemical signals.

Different regions of the brain are specialized for different functions, such as sensory processing, language processing, and motor control. However, most tasks involve multiple regions of the brain working together in a highly interconnected network.

When we experience something, such as seeing a picture or hearing a sound, sensory information is transmitted to the corresponding region of the brain. The brain then integrates this information with previous experiences and memories to form a perception of the world around us.

Additionally, the brain is responsible for higher-level functions such as decision-making, emotion regulation, and social behavior. These processes involve complex interactions between different regions of the brain, as well as communication with other parts of the body such as the endocrine system.

Overall, the brain is an incredibly dynamic and adaptable organ that works constantly to process information and direct our thoughts and behaviors.

Update in April 2024

The left-brain right-brain theory, suggesting that individuals are either left-brained (logical) or right-brained (creative), overly simplifies brain functions. Contemporary neuroscience demonstrates that both hemispheres are involved in most cognitive processes. Though certain tasks may be processed more dominantly by one hemisphere, complex behaviors necessitate the integration of both. This understanding is bolstered by studies employing brain imaging technologies, revealing the brain's interconnected and dynamic activity.

Therefore, this quiz should be used for self-exploration and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended for making significant personal decisions. Enjoy the quiz :)


  1. Eran Zaidel, Dahlia W. Zaidel, Roger W. Sperry (1981) Left and Right Intelligence: Case Studies of Raven's Progressive Matrices Following Brain Bisection and Hemidecortication. University of California at Los Angeles and California Institute of Technology
  2. J. Pearce, Frcp (2019) The "split brain" and Roger Wolcott Sperry (1913-1994).. Revue neurologique
  3. Betty Edwards (1983) Book reviews: Drawing on the right side of the brain. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication
  4. Eran Zaidel, Dahlia W. Zaidel, Roger W. Sperry (Available online 29 May 2013) Left and Right Intelligence: Case Studies of Raven's Progressive Matrices Following Brain Bisection and Hemidecortication. University of California at Los Angeles and California Institute of Technology
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